Good Friday 2016
St. Anthony Park United Church of Christ
St. Paul, MN
"Love one another."
Words from a gentle voice,
caught in the cross-hairs of power.
"Love God, above all,
and love your enemies."
Words from a voice that is silenced.
We will remember that
you sought for justice and
welcomed the low to your table.
"Blessed are the poor ones,"
words from an angry voice,
"they will inherit God’s kingdom.
"Blessed are the mourners,
they will be comforted."
Words from a voice that is silenced.
We take the bread and wine,
signs of your covenant,
done in remembrance of you.
"Give unto Caesar,
that which belongs to him.
Give unto God what is God's."
"If someone strikes you,
offer the other cheek."
Words from a voice that is silenced.
Jesus, remember me.
I will remember you.
I’ll be your voice to the world.
"Peace I leave with you."
Words from a loving voice
walking the road to the bare tree.
"My peace I give you,
not as the world gives."
Words from a voice that is silenced.