From the original cast recording.
Santa: Mike Mann
Belle: Renae Lewis
Tinkle: Phil Skretvedt
Piano: Rick Prescott
(The music comes down to a single persistent note. BELLE (head elf in the workshop), SANTA, and all the other ELVES are gathered at center stage, as if around a conference table. TINKLE (elf, temporary worker, clutz) hovers in the background, wanting to be involved, but not invited) SANTA So let me get this straight. The sleigh is not big enough for all the toys. BELLE Well, technically, the toys are too big for the sleigh. SANTA But how can that be? BELLE Simple math. Lots more children. Bigger toys. SANTA But we've never had this happen before. BELLE Santa, we all knew this day would come. There are more children than ever, they are behaving better and better, and the toys just keep getting bigger and bigger. SANTA Hmm. That is quite a problem. So, what's the solution? (The music stops) BELLE No, no. Don't think of it as a PROBLEM. Think of it as an OPPORTUNITY. SANTA (Pointedly) I don't see how that helps. WHAT do we DO? BELLE THAT'S why I've called this meeting. (Music restarts) You're all here to help figure out what to do. Brainstorming 101. No idea is too crazy. And no one will criticize anything you suggest. There are just a few things to keep in mind. (HOLLY turns over a page on the easel, revealing a schematic of the current sleigh.) BELLE (continued) (Singing) NOW THE FIRST THING IS TO MAKE SURE THAT THE AIRFLOW DOESN'T GET DISRUPTED OTHERWISE DELIVERY OF PRESENTS WILL BE INTERRUPTED NEXT IS TO MAKE SURE ACCESSI- BILITY IS OPTIMAL OR THE WHOLE ENDEAVOR MAY WIND UP AS SOMETHING COMICAL SO FAR, SO GOOD? SO FAR, SO GOOD? SO FAR, SO GOOD? ALL SO FAR, SO GOOD! SO FAR, SO GOOD! SO FAR, SO GOOD! BELLE OK, who's got the first idea? (ALL squirm. Some start to speak then stop. Eventually, the music stops) Alright, I'll go first. (We see a large and intricate drawing of her scheme #1: Some sort of topper/expander which makes the sleigh look like an overgrown Airstream trailer with both reindeer and a jet engine attached. There is an indication that reindeer eat carrots, and the jet engine requires diesel fuel) NOW MY FIRST IDEA IS TO SIMPLY ADD TO WHAT WE HAVE RIGHT NOW BUILD A STREAMLINED TOPPER HIGH AS REGULATIONS WILL ALLOW AS FOR ALL THE EXTRA WEIGHT, WE'LL LIKELY NEED TO ADD A TURBINE WHICH MAKES COMPLICATIONS IF THE DIFFERENT FUELS SHOULD INTERTWINE (Speaking) Carrots...and diesel. No? (The ELVES sit stone-faced) THAT ONE'S NO GOOD THAT ONE'S NO GOOD THAT ONE'S NO GOOD ALL THAT ONE'S NO GOOD THAT ONE'S NO GOOD THAT ONE'S NO GOOD (TINKLE emerges from the background) TINKLE WHY NOT TAKE A SECOND SLEIGH? SANTA (Speaking) What's that now? TINKLE (Singing) WHY NOT TAKE A SECOND SLEIGH? BELLE WHO LET HIM IN? WHAT DO YOU MEAN? THERE'S NO SUCH THING I'VE BEEN AROUND FOR MANY YEARS THERE'S NO SUCH THING TINKLE (Speaking) Hey, I thought you said no idea was too crazy, that anyone could say-- BELLE (Interrupting) I may have overstated that a bit. Now, who else has something? (The ELVES all look at one another. TINKLE slinks down a bit) OK, then, I've got another. (HOLLY flips over another page on the easel, revealing her scheme #2: Something like the Mars explorer sky crane, dropping batches of presents by parachute from a space platform to predetermined locations for later pick-up by the team.) BELLE (continued) (Singing) WELL I GOT TO THINKING HOW A ROVER PARACHUTED ONTO MARS WE COULD BUILD A STAGING PLATFORM HOVERING AMONG THE STARS THIS REQUIRES ROCKETS MADE WITH HIGH PRECISION MEASUREMENTS AND WE'LL NEED PERMISSION FROM A HALF A DOZEN GOVERNMENTS (BELLE pauses for reaction. ALL are somewhat skeptical, but afraid to be too critical) TINKLE WHY NOT TAKE A SECOND SLEIGH? SANTA I'M INTRIGUED BY WHAT YOU SAY TINKLE I JUST SAW ONE ON MY WAY BURIED OUT IN THE SNOW QUITE A BEAUTY I MUST SAY THOUGH IT'S RUSTY I KNOW BELLE OH, THAT OLD THING IT WOULDN'T WORK LET'S MOVE ALONG THANKS FOR THE THOUGHT BUT LET'S GET REAL WE'RE MOVING ON HOLLY (Aside, to TINKLE) That's Santa's OLD sleigh. It was decommissioned years ago. It's not even air-worthy anymore. SANTA Now, wait a minute. (Singing) I REMEMBER THAT OLD SLEIGH IT'S BEEN FORTY-NINE YEARS POLISHED BRASS AND VELVET FITTINGS GIANT FINS ON THE REAR JINGLE BELLS WITH THE TONE OF ANGELS HEATED MATS ON THE FLOOR I WOULD SAY THEY SURE DON'T MAKE THEM QUITE LIKE THAT ANYMORE (SANTA is lost in his memories, and does not acknowledge the following exchange) BELLE IT'S FULL OF RUST IT'S BEEN RETIRED IT DOESN'T FLY LET'S NOT DISCUSS OR GET ALL MIRED IN DAYS GONE BY TINKLE But, Belle, I could-- BELLE NOT. AN. OPTION. Give someone else a chance. Anyone? No? OK, I've got more. (HOLLY turns another page on the easel to reveal her scheme #3: Bending the laws of physics. BELLE (continued) (Singing) NOW WE TEND TO THINK THE LAWS OF PHYSICS MUST BE FOLLOWED EVERY MINUTE BUT WITH SOME IMAGINATION THERE ARE OPTIONS FOUND WITHIN IT TRAVELING IN TIME OR MAYBE HARNESSING SOME ANTIMATTER MIGHT JUST MAKE IT POSSIBLE TO MAKE THE TASK GO SO MUCH FASTER (Stunned silence) No? I've got plenty more ideas. (HOLLY starts to turn another page on the easel) ALL No! SANTA Belle, I think we need to listen to this young elf. BELLE You mean, take the old sleigh? It's impossible. SANTA Nothing's impossible when it comes to Christmas. BELLE But there are just too many problems we'd have to solve. SANTA Don't think of them as PROBLEMS. Think of them as OPPORTUNITIES. BELLE (Coolly, as if outmaneuvered) Touche', Santa. But before you try something so crazy and untested, there are a few things you should consider. BELLE and TINKLE and SANTA (singing simultaneously) [ BELLE [ WELL, WE'D [ NEED TO THINK OF [ ALL THE THINGS THAT [ HAVE TO BE BROUGHT [ UP TO CODE [ STRUCTURALLY [ BEEF IT UP SO [ IT CAN TAKE A [ MODERN LOAD [ [ TINKLE [ WHY NOT TAKE [ THE SECOND SLEIGH [ [ SANTA [ BOY I SURE DID [ LOVE THAT SLEIGH [ IT HAD BEEN [ CUSTOM BUILT [ BELLE [ DON'T FORGET THAT [ SOMEONE HAS TO [ PULL IT THROUGH [ THE ATMOSPHERE [ WHERE DO YOU THINK [ WE CAN FIND A- [ NOTHER SET OF [ FLYING DEER [ [ TINKLE [ I COULD GET [ A START TODAY [ [ SANTA [ MAHOGANY AND [ PEARL INLAY [ SHE WAS DRESSED [ TO THE HILT [ BELLE [ WHAT ABOUT THE [ RUST? WE'LL HAVE TO [ SCRAPE AND POLISH [ IT FOR WEEKS [ NOW DISCARDED [ ALL THESE YEARS THE [ ROTTED FABRIC [ SURELY REEKS [ [ TINKLE [ LET ME FIX [ IT UP JUST RIGHT [ [ SANTA [ AND THE FLYING [ WAS A CINCH [ ONCE I BUILT [ UP MY SKILL [ BELLE [ EVEN IF WE [ GOT IT WORKING [ CAN IT REALLY [ DO THE TASK [ SINCE YOU THINK IT [ MIGHT BE WORTH IT [ I JUST HAVE TO [ ASK [ [ TINKLE [ FOR THAT VERY [ SPECIAL NIGHT [ [ SANTA [ IF NOT FOR THAT [ RUSTY HITCH [ I'D BE FLYING [ IT STILL BELLE SO ARE YOU SURE? SANTA I THINK I'M SURE TINKLE I THINK HE'S SURE BELLE YOU'RE REALLY SURE? SANTA I'M REALLY SURE TINKLE HE'S REALLY SURE BELLE and TINKLE and SANTA SO WE'LL TAKE THE SECOND SLEIGH!