Piano: Dan Fenn
Soloist: Anne Schrooten
Recorded at St. Anthony Park United Church of Christ, St. Paul
May 18, 2008
Hearing God's voice, we each to our calling will go:
Some to be prophets,
bringing stone tablets
down from the mountain that
God may be heard.
Let us, in faith, walk together this day!
Some as apostles,
laying foundations,
making the footprints that
others will follow.
Let us, in hope, walk together this day!
Some to be teachers,
lifting old thinking,
shining a light toward a
new understanding.
Let us, in truth, walk together this day!
Some to be pastors,
probing the myst'ry,
listening, laughing, and
singing the Word.
Let us, in love, walk together this day!
Some as the Body,
called to be servants,
witnesses, speaking
the truth in love.
Let us, in peace, walk together this day!
This day!