Auto Play
Praise Above All
Choral, Sacred, Assembly, Baritone, SATB, Soprano, Accompanied, Brass, Piano, OLD HUNDREDTH (2000)
This Recording

First Lutheran Church Choirs

Jane Christianson, Conducting

Diane Wright, Piano

Carolyn Kapoun, Soprano

Pastor Daniel Belgum-Blad, Baritone

Brian Jones, Trumpet

Billy Kremer, Trumpet

Wayne Ivers, Trombone

Megan Ivers, Trombone


Recorded at First Lutheran Church, Marshall, Minnesota

June 25, 2000

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Full Chorus

Praise above all--for praise prevails;

Heap up the measure, load the scales,

   And good to goodness add:

Glorious Hosanna from the den;

Glorious the catholic Amen;

   The Lord is great and glad.



I am in your midst.

Whoever knows me can never fall,

   Not in the heights, nor in the depths,

   Nor in the breadths, for I am Love,

Which the vast expanses of evil can never still.


Women's Chorus

Precious the penitential tear;

And precious is the sigh sincere,

   Acceptable to God:

And precious are the winning flowers,

In gladsome Israel's feast of bowers,

   Bound on the hallowed sod.


Baritone Solo

But stronger still, in earth and air,

And in the sea, the man of prayer;

   And far beneath the tide;

And in the seat to faith assigned,

Where ask is have, where seek is find,

   Where knock is open wide.


Full Chorus

Glorious the sun in mid career;

Glorious the assembled fires appear;

   Glorious the comet's train:

Glorious the trumpet and alarm;

Glorious the almighty stretched-out arm;

   Glorious the enraptured main:


Glorious--more glorious is the crown

Of Him that brought salvation down

   By meekness, called thy Son;

Thou that stupendous truth believed,

And now the matchless deed's achieved,

   Determined, dared and done.


Tell them, I AM, Jehovah said

To Moses; while earth heard in dread,

   And, smitten to the heart,

At once above, beneath, around,

All Nature, without voice or sound,

   Replied, O Lord, Thou art.



Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

Praise him all creatures here below.

Praise him above ye heavenly host.

Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

Music: Lowell Prescott, quoting OLD HUNDREDTH (Louis Bourgeois, 1510-1561)
Text: Christopher Smart (1722-1770) alt.; Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179) alt.; Thomas Ken (1637-1711)

Copyright © & Ⓟ 2000 Lowell H. Prescott. All Rights Reserved. Used by permission.