Central Lutheran Church Senior Choir and Congregation
Charles Parsons, Conducting
Doug Muller, Baritone
Recorded at Central Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota
December 20, 1998
Thy little ones, dear Lord, are we,
And come thy lowly bed to see;
Enlighten every soul and mind,
That we the way to thee may find.
With songs we hasten thee to greet,
And kiss the ground before thy feet;
O blessed hour, O sweetest night,
That gave thee birth, our soul's delight.
Until at last we too proclaim
With all thy saints, thy glorious Name;
In paradise our songs renew,
And praise thee as the angels do.
With all thy hosts, O Lord we sing
And thanks and praise to thee we bring;
For thee, O long expected guest,
Have come at last to make us blest.
O draw us wholly to thee, Lord.
And to us all thy grace accord,
True faith and love to us impart,
That we may hold thee in our heart.