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Sunny Summer Green
Song, Musical Theater (1996)
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Sailing on a sea of

Summer green

Smiling back at me the

Sunny summer green


Bailing the boat

Catching a dragonfly

Lying back staring up

Into the sky

With the sun in my eye


Peaking through the leaves of

Summer green

Waking from the dreams of

Sunny summer green


Dropping a line

Tying a handkerchief

Flirting with summerfolk

Just passing by

With the sun in their eye


I dare not say

What I have dreamed

She would not understand

But when her heart

With sunlight gleams

Then I shall have her hand


Playing, straying through

Summer green

Praying, staying in

Sunny summer green


Catching a glint

Hinting by mercury

Curing and calling

The lovers that sigh

With the sun, with the sun

In their eye

Lyrics and Music by Rick Prescott
Copyright © & Ⓟ 1996 Lowell H. Prescott. All Rights Reserved. Used by permission.