Auto Play
From Harmony
Song, Sacred, Accompanied, Piano (1995)
This Recording

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From harmony, from heavenly harmony

This universal frame began;


When Nature underneath a heap

Of jarring atoms lay,

And could not heave her head,

The tuneful Voice was heard from high,

Arise, ye more than dead!

Then cold and hot and moist and dry

In order to their stations leap,

And Music's pow'r obey.


From harmony, from heavenly harmony

This universal frame began;


As from the pow'r of sacred lays

The spheres began to move,

And sung the great Creator's praise

To all the blest above;

So when the last and dreadful hour

This crumbling pageant shall devour,

The trumpet shall be heard on high,

The dead shall live, the living die,

And Music shall untune the sky.


From harmony, from heavenly harmony

This universal frame began;


From harmony to harmony

Through all the compass of the notes it ran,

The diapason closing full in man.

Music: Rick Prescott
Text: Song for St. Cecilia's Day (John Dryden, 1687)

Copyright © & Ⓟ 1995 Lowell H. Prescott. All Rights Reserved. Used by permission.