Auto Play
Song (1990), from Bethlehem
This Recording

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I remember

In the sunlight

The whitest stretch of sand

That meets the ocean

You were laughing

And I could see your eyes

Reflect the sun


But in Bethlehem

The walls are steel

We'll be there again

And time will heal


I remember

You were silent

Walking where your feet

Could touch the water

And I wondered

The things your eyes had seen

In all the years


But here in Bethlehem

There is no today

Looking back or forth

Just to run away


I remember

In the autumn

When we last said goodbye

You said you loved me

I remember

The words were in your eyes

Then you were gone


And in Bethlehem

Every bit of light

That filters in

Relieves the night

Words and Music by Rick Prescott
Copyright © & Ⓟ 1990 Lowell H. Prescott. All Rights Reserved. Used by permission.