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Within the Photograph
Song (1987), from The Promise
This Recording

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Your likeness, and my hands are trembling

I can hardly see you

Though my eyes are clear

I don't need this deep confusion

I can live without you

I can shake the fear


But somewhere

Deep within the photograph

Can't you hear the words we said

Echo, lost within the photograph


I live this, I relive the memory

Just to fight the feelings

Just to break the chain

All at once I see your likeness

Then I'm touched by fire

Then I'm cooled by rain


And somewhere

Deep within the photograph

Can't we find the promises

Giving texture to the photograph


Your likeness, now I know it's over

I can hear your words and

I can see your eyes

Was there meaning to the picture

Never really certain

Truth or clever lies


But somewhere

Deep within the photograph

I can find the truthful words

Hidden, safe within the photograph

Words and Music by Rick Prescott
Copyright © & Ⓟ 1987 Lowell H. Prescott. All Rights Reserved. Used by permission.